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Nidoking (Japanese: ニドキング Nidoking) is a dual-type Poison/Ground Pokémon.

He evolves from Nidorino when exposed to a Moon Stone. He is the final form of Nidoran♂.

Much larger than their previous evolutions, Nidoking now have the ability to stand on their hind legs. Unlike its pre-evolutions, Nidoking is purple instead of fuchsia, it does not possess spots, and it now has distinct reptilian features alongside its mammalian ears. Nidoking’s most prominent feature is its large, pointed, venomous horn which it uses extensively for battling purposes. Nidoking’s ears have small pointed extensions on the tips, and the insides of its round ears are green-colored. Nidoking have five teeth on each side of their lower jaw, the fifth protruding out of the jaw and thus visible when its mouth is closed. Nidoking’s eyes are shaped like scalene triangles, and there is fur growing off the bottom of its jaw. The spines growing down Nidoking’s back are extremely large, as is its tail, which is decorated with several thin stripes. Its chest and abdomen, gray in coloration, seem to be quite muscular. Nidoking has white-colored ridges on its three-clawed arms and a single, large, hoof-like toe.

Nidoking is the male of the species. For the female equivalent, see Nidoqueen.

Nidoking provides strong physical attacks and support with their tails, large horn, and their ability to poison the foe on contact. They posses incredible versatility in both their physical power, and their special power, being able to learn a large smattering of moves in both spectrums like Earthquake and Outrage, as well as Sludge Bomb, and even Surf. Due monster Hasheg to it's vast capabilities, Nidoking can play many roles on a Trainer's team.

Nidoking are angered easily, and can be very violent when provoked. They can use their powerful tail to thrash and crush the bones of their prey. Nidoking will often go on rampages for little or no apparent reason.

Nidoking tend to live in grasslands, rough terrain and forests. Despite their ability to live in various habitats, Nidoking are rare Pokémon, especially in the wild. It is most likely to be found within the same range that Nidoran♂ and Nidorino are found.

Nidoking uses its powerful tail to smash, constrict, then break its prey's bones.

Gary Oak has a Nidoking that first appeared in The Battle of the Badge. He called on it to battle Giovanni's Golem during their Gym battle. Nidoking was shown to have tremendous power as he managed to Tackle Golem head on, launching it across the battlefield, and defeating it in one hit. However, when Giovanni used Mewtwo to battle, Nidoking was no match, and was defeated handily. Gary's Nidoking was briefly seen again in The Fourth Round Rumble battling Melissa's Golem, but much unlike his battle with Giovanni's Golem, he was defeated easily.

A Nidoking appeared under the ownership of Oscar in The Bicker the Better. His girlfriend Andi had a Nidoqueen. They had a Double Battle with Ash and May, and due to Oscar and Andi's communication with each other, they were able to defeat Ash and May with relative ease.

A Nidoking appeared in A Pyramiding Rage! under the ownership of Paul. He was used to battle against Brandon's Registeel. Although shown to be powerful and versatile, Registeel was still able to hold its own and brought down Nidoking.

Nidoking first appeared in A Chansey Operation as a sick Pokémon.

Jessie and James were attacked by a pink Nidoking in In the Pink.

A Nidoking belonging to the natives of the Golden Island, appeared in Meowth Rules!.

Nidoking also appeared in The Файл:Http://img836.imageshack.us/img836/3953/fourwheelergamesnickjrg.png Power of One.

A Nidoking was seen in a fantasy in The Rivalry Revival.

A Nidoking was seen in a dojo in Wired for Battle!.

A Nidoking was one of the Pokémon competing in the Pokémon Sumo Wrestling in Ring Masters.

Multiple Nidoking also appeared in Celebi: Voice of the Forest.

A Nidoking was one of the Pokémon defeated by Wings Alexander's then Hoothoot as seen in his flashback in Throwing in the Noctowl.

In As Cold as Pryce, a Nidoking appeared in Pryce's flashback as one of the Pokémon which fought against his Piloswine.

A Nidoking under the ownership of an unknown Trainer battled in a qualifying match for the Silver Conference Файл:Http://img15.imageshack.us/img15/6024/stickmangamesrarepokemo.png in A Claim to Flame!.

A Nidoking appeared in the episode Showdown at the Oak Corral, trying to mate with Cassidy (who was in a Nidoqueen costume at the time).

Multiple Nidoking appeared in Lucario and the Mystery of Mew as part of the feuding armies.

A Nidoking was among the Pokémon used to attack Dawn, Brock, Officer Jenny, and www.monstermmorpg.com/Downloadable-Games Solana in Pokémon Ranger and the Kidnapped Riolu! Part Two.

A Nidoking also appeared in Historical Mystery Tour! with a Nidoqueen.

A Nidoking appeared in the opening scenes of Zoroark: Master of Illusions.

Red caught several rampaging Nidoking in the Safari Zone in Pokémon Adventures. Giovanni also monstermmorpg.com has a Nidoking, which he used to destroy his former Gym with a powerful Earthquake. It was later seen again in the Sevii Islands, where its Rock Tomb felled a biker that Deoxys had attacked.

In Pokémon Zensho, Giovanni losing his Nidoking when he was young was what caused him to become bitter and turn to crime.

Giovanni's Nidoking was used in the Gym battle against Red.

Nidoking shares traits of rhinoceroses, gorillas, rabbits and porcupines.

Nidoking may be a combination of needle and king (reflective of its gender and being the final evolution). Nido may also be based on cnidocyte, a type of venomous cell responsible for the stings delivered by stinging animals, most notably by jellyfish. Alternatively, it may be based on 二 ni (two) or 二度 nido (two times/two degrees), referring Файл:Http://img14.imageshack.us/img14/306/freepcgamesgeometrygame.png to there being two distinct evolutionary lines using the name with similar names and traits.

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Captain Stern (Japanese: クスノキ館長 Captain Kusunoki) is an oceanographer who lives in Slateport City in Hoenn.

Captain Stern is very popular in Slateport City. Due to his occupation, he is responsible for a lot of the town's livelihood. He constructed the S.S. Tidal, a ship transporting people to and from Lilycove City and Slateport City. He also built the Oceanic Museum, and runs Stern's Shipyard.

He ordered the Devon Goods from Rustboro City. Team Magma or Team Aqua will threaten him in the Oceanic Museum to try to recover the Devon Goods, which are plans for a new submarine engine for Stern's next project— Submarine Explorer 1.

After gaining access to the HMs Dive and Surf, the player can go to the Abandoned Ship in hopes of finding a Scanner. In exchange for that item, Captain Stern will offer either the DeepSeaScale or DeepSeaTooth in return, both of which are to be obtained in order for Clamperl to evolve.

Captain Stern's only anime appearance came in The Файл:Http://img577.imageshack.us/img577/1107/pokemonepisodeorgplayma.png Spheal of Approval.

Captain Stern is the curator of the Oceanic Museum. He was introduced to Ash and Max when Marius battled them and lost; Captain Stern stepped in and mentioned he had been looking for Marius. As the curator of the Oceanic Museum, which Ash and Max attempted to enter, he offered to monstermmorpg.com give Ash and Max a tour. The museum had many sculptures of Water-type Pokémon and models of submarines.

Captain Stern used underwater exploration vessels to explore the ocean, gather rare artifacts, and study sea Pokémon in their natural habitats. Captain Stern then showed off his latest find, a volcanic Файл:Http://img705.imageshack.us/img705/6137/freeonlinekidgamesidres.png rock formed by underwater volcanoes, supposedly created by the legendary Pokémon, Groudon.

While the kids went to go get ice cream, members of Team Magma broke in and stole the stone.

Ash had confronted the member of Team Magma when Captain Stern caught up to them, and he sent out his Sealeo, which used an Aurora Beam. The blast caused the thief to drop the case and Marius caught it. Captain Stern told Max and Marius to run for it, and they escaped via the sea using Spheal. Ash, however, refused to run and continued to fight. After another flurry of attacks, the case opened and the stone broke. Team Magma got half of the stone; Pikachu got the other.

Later, Ash apologized to Captain Stern for letting Team Magma escape, but Stern was grateful to just keep half of the stone so he could study it.

Sealeo's known moves are Aurora www.monstermmorpg.com/Reading-Games-For-Kids Beam and hot to get monster Grezlin Blizzard.

Spheal's known moves are Body Slam, Water Gun and Blizzard.

In the Pokémon Adventures manga, Captain Stern appears in a supporting role. Ruby came to Slateport to enter a Pokémon Contest when Team Magma attacked, looking for Captain Stern. They kidnapped Stern, Ruby, the Pokémon Fanclub President, and Dock.

Team Magma wanted to use Submarine Explorer 1 to reach the Seafloor Cavern, the deepest part of Hoenn's ocean. However, a special starter developed by the Devon Corporation and transported in the Devon Goods was needed. Ruby saved Captain Stern but ended up drifting away in the submarine. During the conflict, Stern ended up being poisoned by a Torkoal.

Later, Captain Stern was able to inform Norman, and Gabby and Ty of Ruby's location.

When Kyogre flooded half of Hoenn, Stern helped evacuate the people of Slateport into ships.

Captain Stern is apparently friends Файл:Http://img18.imageshack.us/img18/7907/disneydressupgamesdrivi.png with both Steven Stone and Wallace.

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Formerly, the style was to name articles based on whichever name a character Файл:Http://img692.imageshack.us/img692/4584/soccergamesmultiplayers.png was most "well known by". However, this created debate as to who judges which name is most commonly known, and thus created unnecessary conflict given how rarely a character is known to the English-speaking fanbase more commonly by anything but their English name. Hence, the style has since been abandoned.

An article titled with a Pokémon name with a very well known instance in any form of canon should have a disambiguation page. For example, due to Meowth (Team Rocket) being extremely well-known, a disambiguation page exists at Meowth (disambiguation).

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Remember that consistency with these conventions is very important, and your cooperation is appreciated.

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Unless there is a specific reason to order them otherwise, lists of Pokémon should be sorted according to their National Pokédex number.

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Talking a Good Game! (Japanese: タワータイクーン、リラ登場!! Enter the Tower Tycoon, Lila!!) is the 169th episode of the Advanced Generation series, and the 443rd episode of the Pokémon anime. It was first broadcast in Japan on March 23, 2006 and in the United States on November 25, 2006.

Running alongside Pikachu, Ash heads towards the Battle Tower for his sixth Symbol. The background includes lush forests and a body of water to the left of our heroes.

Pikachu comes to a stop as a Beedrill starts to attack him and Ash. As the Beedrill closes in on our hero, Anabel appears to stop Beedrill from attacking them. She explains that the Beedrill is just simply attempting to protect its offspring. Ash introduces himself to Anabel, but suddenly a Gyarados bursts out of the nearby body of water. Gyarados begins to attack, but Anabel attempts in to calm it. She removes a twig lodged in its monstermmorpg.com side, successfully quelling the Atrocious Pokémon. Gyarados cries in pleasure and heads off in the opposite direction.

Meanwhile, Team Rocket is spying on Ash. as usual. James and Meowth both notice how Anabel cares for Pokémon. Jessie is quick to remind the team of their true objective: to capture Pikachu.

Anabel and Ash sit on the shore, and Pikachu introduces himself to Anabel. A net explodes from the distance, hoisting Anabel and Pikachu into the air. Making an unusually early introduction, Team Rocket begins their motto. With Team Rocket as confident as ever, it appears their plan may actually prove successful. Before they can get away, Ash releases Corphish to use BubbleBeam to break the net, releasing Anabel and Pikachu. He then dives into the water and swims toward Pikachu. Team Rocket land their balloon and move in for a ground attack. Jessie releases her Seviper to attack with Poison Tail, striking Ash on his back. May, Max, and Brock appear and run to the scene. James gets into it by calling upon his Cacnea, who briefly ignores the battle and hugs him. Anabel takes advantage of this and releases her Alakazam. Cacnea launches an array of Pin Missiles at Ash and Anabel, but Alakazam diverts the attack's course with Psychic, making the Pin Missiles land all around Team Rocket. Alakazam then lifts Ash and Anabel out of the water and onto land with its psychic power. Team Rocket moves to attack, but Alakazam uses Psybeam, which hits both Cacnea and Seviper and makes them attack each other in confusion. Ash finishes Team Rocket off with Pikachu's Thunderbolt, sending them blasting off. Anabel thanks him for his assistance in the battle.

At Anabel's house, the friends freshen up from the battle. Anabel, May, Max, and Brock finally give their proper introductions to one another. Now sitting at a table, our heroes enjoy refreshments prepared by Anabel. She notices Ash's bonding with his Pokémon when he previously shielded Pikachu from Seviper's Poison Tail attack. Ash is quick to interrupt her and suddenly runs off, saying that he is in search of the Frontier Brain of the Battle Tower, and his friends follow his rash exit. Everyone is gone before Anabel can tell them that she is the Frontier Brain.

Ash arrives at the Battle Tower and says to the assistant that he wishes to challenge the Frontier Brain. As Ash is guided onto the battlefield, the assistant introduces the Salon Maiden, Anabel, much to the surprise of Ash and company. The referee states that the three-on-three battle is officially underway. Anabel calls upon her Alakazam, while Ash releases Corphish.

Corphish begins the battle with a Crabhammer Pbs Kid Games but is enveloped by Alakazam's psychic power and thrust backward. While it is suspended in the air, Corphish fights back with BubbleBeam. Alakazam negates the move with Psybeam. Both Anabel and Alakazam are in sync fake pokemon Sowpod as she has the ability to telepathically command attacks to Alakazam without having to speak. As a thick plume of smoke covers the battlefield, Alakazam lunges toward Corphish and strikes with a Focus Punch.

Corphish is thrown backward by the devastating attack. Ash realizes that he will have to combat Anabel without knowing her strategy. Corphish goes for Файл:Http://img607.imageshack.us/img607/4851/weddingdressupgamesfree.png a Crabhammer attack, but it is easily avoided and countered with another Focus Punch. Alakazam takes advantage Файл:Http://img9.imageshack.us/img9/3582/npokemon.png of the battle and ascends into the air and strikes with a final Psybeam that renders Corphish unable to battle.

Ash returns Corphish and Файл:Http://img18.imageshack.us/img18/7907/disneydressupgamesdrivi.png releases Tauros from its Poké Ball. Tauros begins the attack, stampeding toward Alakazam's position. Alakazam is quick to interrupt the attack by lifting Tauros into the air with its psychic power and then dropping it back down. Tauros gets back up and charges again. Alakazam charges as well, dodges to the side, and then sends Tauros skyward with Focus Punch. Alakazam finishes the airborne Pokémon off with Psybeam. Ash selects Pikachu to be his last chance in the battle. Pikachu lands the first blow in this match-up with Thunderbolt.

Max, May, and Brock greet Scott as he sits down to watch the battle. He begins to examine and explain Anabel's battle strategy. As Alakazam takes ongoing damage from Thunderbolt, Anabel telepathically tells it to use Recover. Ash knows that he must pile on the damage before Alakazam fully regains health. He has Pikachu move in and use Iron Tail, which Alakazam matches with Focus Punch. Right after the clash, Pikachu uses Thunderbolt, but is countered yet again by Alakazam's Psybeam, which hits its mark and causes confusion. Pikachu tries to use Volt Tackle, only to begin charging right at a wall. Ash dives into Pikachu's crash course, cushioning his best friend's impact with the wall. Pikachu appears to have come out of its confusion as Anabel and the audience commend Ash's deed. Ash calls for a Thunderbolt attack, which Alakazam counters against yet again with Psybeam. Both Pokémon maximize the power of their attacks, and Pikachu's Thunderbolt manages to overcome Psybeam in the end, resulting in an explosion that knocks out Alakazam. Anabel congratulates Ash on his first victory and then calls upon her Metagross.

As Pikachu moves in with another Thunderbolt attack, Metagross uses Psychic to redirect the attack back at Pikachu, who crashes to the ground. Pikachu gets back up and launches forward with a Quick Attack that makes contact with Metagross. Unfazed, Metagross strikes Pikachu with Meteor Mash, shocking Ash's friends by the powerful blow. Pikachu manages to get back up and start using Volt Tackle, but Metagross launches a destructive Hyper Beam before he can even get to speed. The beam lands a direct hit and defeats Pikachu in a flash of white. The referee declares Pikachu unable to battle and awards the victory to Salon Maiden Anabel.

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